Welcome to the California Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, George Washington Chapter!

FROM THE DESK OF OUR PRESIDENT:  The society was formed 19 April 1889 at a time when the country was celebrating the Centennial of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. As part of that patriotic fervor, a group of men in San Francisco, who were descendants of patriots involved in the American Revolution, created this institution. Their objective was to have a fraternal and civic society to salute those men and women who pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to the battle for independence from Great Britain.  Nationwide SAR members include fifteen presidents of the United States; Brigadiers, Lieutenants and Five-Star Generals; Presidents of several colleges and universities; Ambassadors; and Members of the Supreme Court, the U.S. Senate, and the U.S. Congress.

One of the oldest questions is: “Where did I come from?” or, said differently, “Who were my ancestors?”  At some point in life, we all ask this question.  Unfortunately for some of us, we did not ask the question soon enough to hear stories from our parents or grandparents, but we can still discover our family history through the internet and through existing records.  Taking that journey of discovery can be a fascinating, life-long endeavor and a fun hobby.

You may also ask: “Did I have a Patriot in the American Revolution?”  This is what the SAR is interested in helping you to discover.  We now see advertisements on the TV addressing that question via genealogy websites and television shows, so genealogy has become a popular hobby.  And we have seen that reflected in the establishment of the General George Washington Chapter, which now has over 75 members with the common bond of an ancestor, or even many ancestors, who supported America’s independence from Britain and helped to establish the United States of America as a Nation.  If you’re curious about whether your ancestors were Patriots of the American Revolution, we can help you find out!

But why join the SAR?  Because we reward excellence, achievement and outstanding citizens. This recognition has taken many forms including medals, badges, emblems, ribbons, rosettes, sashes, pins, and stars for members of our local community. And we also participate in educational outreach.  Our local Chapter Members conduct several programs in schools and community groups. Some of our most active educational programs are targeted to America’s future leaders – our children and those who are educators.

  • American History Teacher Awards for public-school and college educators.
  • Eagle Scout Scholarship Program for scouts younger than 19.
  • Essay Contest for high school students in grades 10-12.
  • Awards for High School and College ROTC Cadets.
  • Oratory Contest for students in grades 9-12.
  • Poster Contest for elementary students in grades 4-5.
  • Public Service Awards for those in fire, police, EMS, government, and the judiciary.

You will find information about the programs that our local George Washington Chapter in Chico, California advocates as our Web Administrator continues to update our newly established website pages. Please be sure to visit our website often to learn more about our local activities.

We also invite you to attend one of our monthly business meetings to meet me, your local Chapter President Owen Stiles, and the rest of the GGW Officers.  Anyone in our GGW group can help you figure out how to begin researching your family and, most importantly, we invite you to join our cause to “reaffirm our faith in the principles of liberty and our Constitutional Republic, and solemnly pledge ourselves to defend them against every foe” by getting involved in the local community alongside our SAR Members.

Additionally, you can contact us online for more information.  Please contact our Chapter President.

Owen Stiles, GGW Chapter President

