What About the Ladies? Learn about the GGW Auxiliary.

Colonial Woman Williamsburg - Wikimedia CommonsThe GGW LAUX supports the GGW Chapter of the SAR by participating in local events, attending business meetings, and aiding in the family research of the SAR men in their own immediate family.

We believe that women are an essential part of American history and the values that the SAR strives to uphold.  The Ladies’ Auxiliary is open to women related by marriage or bloodline to SAR Members in good standing or members deceased while in good standing of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (NSSAR).

During business meetings, women are permitted, and do enact their right, to stand beside our SAR men and “reaffirm our faith in the principles of liberty and our Constitutional Republic, and solemnly pledge ourselves to defend them against every foe” (Pledge to the SAR).  And we “remember our obligation to our forefathers, who gave us our Constitution, the Bill of Rights, an independent Supreme Court and a Nation of Free Men [and Women]” (Recessional).

We are currently considering the election of officials for the GGW Ladies’ Auxiliary.

To find out more about the GGW LAUX, please email President Owen Stiles at ostiles45@gmail.com -or- phone him at: (530) 846-3251